Technology & Social Media’s Effects on Teens/Adolescents

In the Teen Mental Health Crisis podcast by NPR, I was surprised not just at the amount that mental health has declined for children/adolescents in our country, but also at how little people are aware of this ongoing crisis. We constantly hear of the Opioid Epidemic in our country, rightfully so, but the teen mental health crisis seems to be an issue everyone has forgotten about. The podcast cited research that states episodes of major depression have risen somewhere around 60% among…

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Defense Mechanisms

In the Teen Mental Health Crisis podcast by NPR, I was surprised not just at the amount that mental health has declined for children/adolescents in our country, but also at how little people are aware of this ongoing crisis. We constantly hear of the Opioid Epidemic in our country, rightfully so, but the teen mental health crisis seems to be an issue everyone has forgotten about. The podcast cited research that states episodes of major depression have risen somewhere around 60% among…

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The “Wait” of the World

I reflect about our current times… “Unprecedented times.” “A new normal.”And as I reflect, I feel myself pulling away from the present. I want this “wait” to be over . I spend more time thinking of how to make it to tomorrow than sitting with the world as it is today. When I’m focused on tomorrow I am scared. I feel I don’t have enough… Enough time to figure this out, enough resources to stay protected and healthy for however long and…

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What Anger Means to Me?

Are you curious about why you get angry so quickly? I am too. Often times I ask myself “Daisy you know you don’t want to get upset about this and yet you do …” Many of us were raised with the belief that anger is bad and people should not get or be angry. Although we might be familiar with flight, fight, freeze, we can encounter “fight” at its extremes which can sometimes result in violence, sometimes even death Growing up as…

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